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1. Procudure in Teaching

  • Warm Up: I called students name one by one to check attendance.

  • Presentation: I divided into two parts. First,  I reviewed the previous lesson, gave them some exercises of the previous knowledge before starting a new topic. And the second, I introduced new topic and taught students step by step to understand and do exercise.

  • Practice: I gave students some examples and I solved them on the board by presentation. Then, I would invite 1-2 students raising their hand, they would write on the board the way to do and the result. And I would check their answers.

  • Production: I also gave them worksheet I made myself and spent about 10 minutes for students to finish. After that, I checked the answers.

  • Wrap Up: Students were played game to revise the lesson and if the team were winner, I would have given them a little present to congrats on!

2. Time Management and Organizing Activities

As I made the lesson plan, I managed time suitably.

  • Warm Up: 5 minutes

  • Presentation: 10 minutes

  • Practice: 10 minutes

  • Production: 20 minutes

  • Wrap Up: 15 minutes

I’m sure for manage enough time for each part, but I only focus on teaching the way the understand the topic as well as they can do worksheet and exercise correctly.

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3. Problem – Solving

The biggest problem I’ve made that my voice wasn't loud so that students couldn’t listen to me obviously. The second problem that students in primary school haven’t have enough vocabulary to communicate to me so it was hard to understand what I said to students. And I got things that I had to speak loudly and learned some simple Thais words to make the conversations with students easily.

4. Classroom Management

My Schedule


My Evaluation Form


Cause mostly students in young age, I mean they were children, they usually don’t allow what teacher says, they are so naughty, not listening to their teacher.

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